Names occurring in my extended family tree.
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Names and population details on:
- San Giuseppe, Picinisco
- Vallegrande, Villa Latina
- Atina
- San Biagio Saracinisco
- Selvone, Filignano
I believe that some Capaldis from San Giuseppe moved into the village of Selvone circa 1800. This can be seen with the family names being the same as found in San Giuseppe, Picinisco.
If anyone can supply me more information on this move to Filignano i.e exact dates, period, families, and also why they moved please contact me.

Un arcobaleno sopra la chiesa di San Giuseppe
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Names and Population details of Picinisco and nearby locations
There are 91 municipalities in the province of Frosinone, 33 municipalities in the province of Latina, 73 municipalities in the province of Rieti, 121 municipalities in the province of Roma e 60 municipalities in the province of Viterbo.
The province of Frosinone consists of the following municipalities:
Acquafondata, Acuto, Alatri, Alvito, Amaseno, Anagni, Aquino, Arce, Arnara, Arpino, Atina, Ausonia, Belmonte Castello, Boville Ernica, Broccostella, Campoli Appennino, Casalattico, Casalvieri, Cassino, Castelliri, Castelnuovo Parano, Castro dei Volsci, Castrocielo, Ceccano, Ceprano, Cervaro, Colfelice, Colle San Magno, Collepardo, Coreno Ausonio, Esperia, Falvaterra, Ferentino, Filettino, Fiuggi, Fontana Liri, Fontechiari, Frosinone, Fumone, Gallinaro, Giuliano di Roma, Guarcino, Isola del Liri, Monte San Giovanni Campano, Morolo, Paliano, Pastena, Patrica, Pescosolido, Picinisco, Pico, Piedimonte San Germano, Piglio, Pignataro Interamna, Pofi, Pontecorvo, Posta Fibreno, Ripi, Rocca d`Arce, Roccasecca, San Biagio Saracinisco, San Donato Val di Comino, San Giorgio a Liri, San Giovanni Incarico, San Vittore del Lazio, Santopadre, Sant`Ambrogio sul Garigliano, Sant`Andrea del Garigliano, Sant`Apollinare, Sant`Elia Fiumerapido, Serrone, Settefrati, Sgurgola, Sora, Strangolagalli, Supino, Terelle, Torre Cajetani, Torrice, Trevi nel Lazio, Trivigliano, Vallecorsa, Vallemaio, Vallerotonda, Veroli, Vicalvi, Vico nel Lazio, Villa Latina, Villa Santa Lucia, Villa Santo Stefano, Viticuso
The most common five family names in Picinisco:
There are in Picinisco | Surname |
76 | Crolla |
31 | De Marco |
28 | Capocci |
25 | Alonzi |
25 | Capaldi |
Populations – as at 2001
Vallegrande | 234 | Villa Latina | 1247 |
San Giuseppe | 48 | Picinisco | 1206 |
The commune of Filignano includes the villages of Bottazzella (0,56 km), Cerasuolo (5,88 km), Cerreto (1,73 km), Collemacchia (1,13 km), Franchitti (0,96 km), Lagoni (2,66 km), Lagoni Mastrogiovanni (3,36 km), Mastrogiovanni (3,47 km), Mennella (3,56 km), Selvone (2,55 km), Valerio (0,70 km), Valle (0,98 km).
The number in parentheses following each village name indicates the distance between the same village and the municipality of Picinisco.
The most common five family names in Villa Latina:
There are in Villa Latina | Surname |
60 | Valente |
49 | D’Agostino |
46 | Pacitti |
43 | Panetta |
38 | Coppola |
The commune of Villa Latina includes the
villages of Colle Cavicchio (1,65 km), Colle Santo (0,51 km), Palombo (1,16 km), Panetta (1,05 km), Santa Lucia (0,41 km), Valle Grande (3,89 km).
The most common five family names in Atina:
There are in Atina | Surname |
145 | Caira |
116 | De Luca |
101 | Nardone |
98 | Tamburrini |
78 | Rossi |
The commune of Atina includes the villages of Agnerone (4,49 km), Atina Inferiore (1,90 km), Cancello (1,67 km), Capo di China (2,59 km), Case di Melfa (1,94 km), Casino Pica (– km), Colle Alto (5,30 km), Duca (1,21 km), I Caira (1,82 km), Le Sode (4,56 km), Mola di Capitolo (0,49 km), Nardelli (2,28 km), Pie` delle Piagge (1,12 km), Ponte Melfa (2,23 km), Pozzello (0,80 km), Residence Valcomino (2,10 km), Rosanisco (2,66 km), Sabina (2,54 km), San Lorenzo (3,52 km), San Michele (2,88 km), Sangaglione (2,61 km), Settignano (3,98 km), Sode (1,58 km), Spineto (1,16 km).
The number in parentheses following each village name indicates the distance between the same village and the municipality of Atina.
The most common five family names in San Biagio Saracinisco:
There are in San Biagio Saracinisco | Surname |
40 | Iaconelli |
29 | Vettese |
27 | Valente |
15 | Barilone |
15 | Cocozza |
The commune of San Biagio Saracinisco includes the villages of Cioppo (2,49 km), Fontana Cicchetta (3,69 km), Pietrepente (1,15 km), Pratola (1,96 km), Radicosa (1,24 km), Raimella (1,83 km), Uotto (2,31 km), Venezia (3,55 km).
The number in parentheses following each village name indicates the distance between the same village and the municipality of San Biagio Saracinisco
Isernia, Molise
The most common five family names in Filignano:
There are in Filignano | Surname |
81 | Verrecchia |
74 | Pacitti |
53 | Di Meo |
51 | Capaldi |
51 | Coia |
The commune of Filignano includes the villages of Bottazzella (0,56 km), Cerasuolo (5,88 km), Cerreto (1,73 km), Collemacchia (1,13 km), Franchitti (0,96 km), Lagoni (2,66 km), Lagoni Mastrogiovanni (3,36 km), Mastrogiovanni (3,47 km), Mennella (3,56 km), Selvone (2,55 km), Valerio (0,70 km), Valle (0,98 km).
The number in parentheses following each village name indicates the distance between the same village and the municipality of Filignano.
All the population data and links above can be obtained by going to the web site
The site gives a detailed look at all locations in Italy and is useful for family search.