Latest details of my Coppola connections in Edinburgh and Scotland

Val di Comino
As at January 2010 I have successfully completed the link between my Capaldi Family and the Coppola Family.
Until now I had suspected the link to come from one of my 2 x gr grand father’s (Tomasso Capaldi) sisters Teresa and Anna who both married into the Coppola family, however I had been unable to trace the exact link.
I have updated my family tree files to illustrate the connection.
Teresa Capaldi b circa 1825 married Michelangelo Coppola and produced three sons Pietro, Fulgenio and Carmelo. Cousins to my gr grandfather Sante Capaldi.
Pietro Coppola b 13 Nov 1857 married Anna Maria Coppola
Fulgenio Coppola married Maria Antonia Coppola on 27 May 1886 in Picinisco
Carmelo Coppola married Pasqua Di Marco
Fulgenio and Maria Antonia moved to Edinburgh Scotland after 1895 and before 1898 with their son Fillipo Coppola b 7 January 1895 in Picinisco
Fillipo Coppola married Mabel Cooper in 1928 in Edinburgh
Carmelo and Pasqua lived in Arbroath in 1906. How and when they arrived in Scotland I do not know.
Their son Paolo Coppola, b 5 September 1878 in Picinisco, married Maria Civita Di Marco, 21 years old, on 21 June 1905 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The witnesses were A. Coppola and Eugenie Tartaglia.
Paolo’s normal residence was High Street, Arbroath.
Maria lived at 112 Leith Street, Edinburgh, the same address as my grandfather Achille Capaldi.
Alexander Di Marco, Maria’s brother was a witness to my grandfather’s first marriage in 1906 in Edinburgh.
Their parents were detailed on the marriage record as Carmelo Coppola, farmer and Pasqua Di Marco and Luigi Di Marco, confectioner and Maria Nascenza Faccenda.
Paolo and Maria then lived from 1906 in Arbroath and then moved to Edinburgh circa 1912.
They had the following children as detailed:
Yolande Angela Felice
born 21 April 1906 at Abbey Path, Arbroath
Alfredo Michelangelo
born 15 June 1908 at Hamilton Grove, Arbroath
Alfredo Michelangelo
born 07 Nov 1910 at Lordburn, Arbroath
Veronica Teresa
born 05 Sept 1912 at Bakers Wynd, Arbroath
Achille Felippe
born 12 Dec 1914 at Baxter Place, Edinburgh
Adriano Angelo Enrico
born 25 Nov 1916 at Baxter Place, Edinburgh
Margherita Benedette
born 21 Mar 1922 at Baxter Place, Edinburgh
Claudio Benito
born 22 Nov 1924 at Baxter Place, Edinburgh
Yolande owned and ran the Saughtonhall Café at Western Corner Edinburgh for many years and I believe that she never married. Her mother died on 14 Nov 1946 at 2 Western Corner, Saughtonhall Drive, Edinburgh death certificate signed by her son Adriano.
Claudio, I believe owned and ran the chip shop in Morningside, Edinburgh next to the “Canny Man” pub.
Fillipo and Paolo Coppola were cousins both born in Picinisco living in Scotland and of course cousins to my grandfather Achille Capaldi.
Achille Capaldi died in 1937 however his cousins Fillipo and Paolo Coppola were both victims of the Arandora Star tragedy and perished in July 1940
click here to download Pedigree Chart for Paolo Coppola
click here to download Pedigree Chart for Fillipo Coppola
click here to download Pedigree Chart for Adriano Angelo Enrico Coppola