Achille Capaldi – Life Events
Any help on missing information would be appreciated

Achille Capaldi
Born Munich Germany, parents Sante Capaldi & Angela Maria Fusco from S. Giuseppe and Vallegrande .
Birth registration, 1879 parte 2 #1, 16 Apr 1879.
“On 11 Nov 1878 at 8am in the Maternity Hospital in Monaco (Munich) was born to Angela Capaldi, born Fusco a baby boy who was given the name Achille.”
This registration was passed via several official channels before it eventually arrived in Picinisco.
The birth was registered in Picinisco on 16 April 1879.
The birth took place 6 months earlier.
From ???? to ???? Germany
Worked and lived in Munich
After 1901
Arrived in Edinburgh after 1901 census and before 1906
Living at 112 Leith Street, Edinburgh 1906 with Alexander Di Marco & Maria Civita Di Marco same address. They were brother & sister living there at 1901 census.
Margaret Gundel
Address 112 Leith Street, Edinburgh
Alexander Di Marco, confectioner
Liberato Gabriele, confectioner
Birth of son Alexander Capaldi
Born at 112 Leith Street, Edinburgh
Birth of daughter Margaret
Born at High Street, Kirkliston
Death of daughter Margaret
High Street, Kirkliston
Death of Wife Margaret Gundel
High Street, Kirkliston
Second Marriage
Hannah Gatensby, Edinburgh
Birth James Capaldi, Greenside Row, Edinburgh
Birth Louie Capaldi, Edinburgh
Birth Elizabeth Capaldi, Edinburgh
Died Edinburgh
Had following jobs in Scotland:-
Ice Cream Vendor
Restaurant worker
Pithead Labourer
Terrazzo worker
Achille was fluent in several languages and was capable of reading and writing in English, German, French & Italian. Indicating that his parents spent money to educate him.
I believe he got this education from the priests at the church in San Giuseppe. My aunt recalls him saying that “he lived above the village and always had to come down, with his brother, to the church for lessons”
As seemed the norm at the time his parents did not spend any money on the education of his sisters.
Achille’s two sisters emigrated to USA
Assunta Maria and Filomena
Please go to My USA connections page to see the current details on the descendants of Assunta Maria and Filomena